Ion Tiriac, out of UniCredit Tiriac Bank shareholders list

Ion Tiriac, the wealthiest Romanian according to last year’s edition of the TOP 300 Capital, will sell his shares with UniCredit Tiriac Bank, following a transaction estimated at several hundred million euros. The intention of selling the 45% package of shares of the share capital of the financial institution was unveiled a year ago, but so far both sides have denied it.

On Wednesday evening, UniCredit Bank Austria announced that it will increase capital in UniCredit Tiriac Bank following the acquisition of 45% the share package held by Tiriac Holdings Ltd, informs.

According to the bank’s communiqué, the completion of the transaction will take place by the end of this month and UniCredit Bank will consider making an offer to the other minority shareholders.

“The parties have agreed not to disclose the selling price or any other transaction details,” reads the release.

Ion ?iriacminority shareholderspackege of sharesUnicredit Bank
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