In December 2014, the average gross nominal earnings were RON 2,582, by 7 percent higher than the one registered in November 2014, National Institute of Statistics (INS) shows. The average net nominal earnings were RON 1,866, increasing as against the previous month with RON 123 (7.1 percent). The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (RON 5,802), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (RON 1,061).
As compared to December of the previous year, the average net nominal earnings increased by 6 percent. The real earnings index in relation with the same period of previous year was 105.1 percent.
The real earnings index for December 2014 as against previous month, calculated as the ratio between the net nominal earnings index and the consumer prices index, was 107.2 percent. As compared to October 1990, the real earnings index was 139,4 percent by 9.3 percentage points higher than the one recorded in November 2014.
Fluctuations in earnings were recorded during the year, mainly determined by granting annual premiums and holiday bonuses (December, March/April).
According to INS data, the most significant gains of the average net earnings have been recorded in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas by 39.3 percent, respectively by 30 percent in manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products. An increase between 20.5 percent and 28.5 percent was registered in forestry and logging (including fishing and aquaculture), manufacture of other transport equipment, mining support service activities, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply. Another signficant growth was in starting by 14.5 percent to 18.5 percent in telecommunications, manufacture of basic metals, sewerage, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, manufacture of paper and paper products.
The most significant decreases of the average net earnings have been recorded in postal and courier activities (-7.1 percent), respectively in activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities (-1.8 percent). In the budgetary sector the slight increases of the average net earnings as against November were registered in health and social assistance (1.6 percent), respectively in public administration (0.3 percent). In education, the average net earnings registered a decrease (-2.2 percent), being influenced by the amounts reduction representing the hourly payments of teaching staff, as a result of the school holiday.