Romanian student builds robotic hand with RON 200 budget

Marian Stoica has is only 17 years old and is in the 11th form at the National College Alexandru Lahovari of Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea County.

“When it comes to electronics I need silence and generally I work at nights. So I worked about three nights, I haven’t slept much, but it was worth it,” Marian Stoica said for Digi24.

He made use of some snaps, gloves, batteries and parts from an older computer.

Many hand prostheses cost tens of thousands of dollars, so Marian Stoica’s invention, in which he invested only RON 200 (about EUR 45, USD 50) can revolutionize the market, especially as was done, for the most part, from recycled materials.

The robotic hand won the first prize at the National Festival of Science in Zalau, Salaj County.



first prizeinventionrecycled materialsrobotic handstudent
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