Three NGOs accuses Energy Minister Andrei Gerea of abuses at Electrica. Interim PM Cimpeanu asks Gerea for clarifications

Fredom House, the Romanian Centre for European Policies and Expert Forum accuse Energy Minister Andrei Gerea (photo) of acting arbitrarily and interfering in Electrica’s operations, intending to cancel the investment plans and the attempts to clear the company of bad contracts. Gerea tried to divert the money collected from the stock market for immediate political purposes, for which the minister tried to intervene over the board members, reads a release of the three NGOs, quoted by
“Andrei Gerea has tried to bring ‘to order’ the board members. He has tried to intervene arbitrarily in the company’s operations, to cancel the investment plans and the ones trying to clear the company of bad contracts. Finally, he tried to divert the money collected from the stock market for immediate political purposes, for which the minister tried to intervene over the board members,” reads the release.
As he failed, (on Tuesday) he has implemented an indirect plan: he proposed the increase in the number of board members from 5 to 7, which automatically results in the change of current members who have promoted ethical policies. Basically, the outgoing Minister Gerea has been trying to appoint his people to Electrica’ board so that posthumously he may take hold of the money. A dead government still makes deals, the three NGOs say.
According to them, the EBRD (minority shareholder) has proposed that those appointed in the future board should comply with criteria of professionalism and integrity, but the proposal was rejected by the ministry. We are in a situation where foreign banks care more about state participations than the Romanian ministers, the three NGOs further say.
The release reads that “today we have witnessed an abuse that shows politicians have understood nothing from the events of the last days.”
The release was submitted following the approval, by the Ministry of Energy, as main shareholder, and by other private minority shareholders, in the board meeting of November 10, to modify the structure of Electrica’ board of administration, and to begin negotiations with Fondul Proprietatea (FP) to take over the minority stakes it owns in the distribution subsidiaries of the company.

Interim PM Sorin Cimpeanu asks Andrei Gerea to clarify the allegations of abuse


Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has warned interim energy minister Andrei Gerea to clarify the issues about Electrica, following the scandalous decisions in the General Shareholders Meeting on November 10. “Mr. Minister Gerea, I understand that we have a problem with Electrica. Please clarify this issue through a press release,” Cimpeanu told Gerea on Wednesday, reports.

Andrei GereaelectricaEnergy Ministryexpert forumFondul ProprietateaFredom HouseInterim PM Sorin Cimpeanungospolitical purposesthe Romanian Centre for European Policies
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