20 Most Instagrammable Places in Romania

With over 5 million users in Romania and one billion globally, Instagram is considered the most influential social network for the tourism industry. The gorgeous photos posted by influencers and its other users on Instagram serve as inspiration for vacation ideas for millions of tourists around the world.

ClubulCopiilor.ro analyzed Instagram data to capture the local destinations with the most Instagram tags, which are officially the most Instagrammable tourist destinations in Romania. It should be noted that in our top we have excluded tags of big cities (i.e. #Brasov, #Sibiu, #Bucharest), because the Instagram tags for them are used for a wide variety of Instagram posts, many of them not made by tourists and not directly related to our top.

Instagram hashtags are a critical part of the Instagram ecosystem, helping users discover new and relevant content and allowing content creators to reach a wider audience.

And since we’re in the midst of the summer season, it’s the perfect opportunity to put these destinations on your summer travel bucket list.

1. #Transfăgărășan and Bâlea Lake | Number of hashtags: 179.862
2. #Sighișoara | Number of hashtags: 155.5873
3. Bran Castle | Number of hashtags: 86.201
4. Transalpina Road | Number of hashtags: 68.027
5. Calea Victoriei, Bucharest | Number of hashtags: 41.816
6. Peleș Castle and #Sinaia | Number of hashtags: 44.015
7. Danube Delta | Number of hashtags: 65.702
8. Turda Salt Mine | Număr de hashtags: 24.547
9. #Viscri | Number of hashtags: 23.942
10. Corvinilor Castle | Number of hashtags: 21.372

Find below a link to the full rankings:


bâlea lacbran castleBrasovBucharestinfluencersinstagramInstagrammable PlacesRomaniaSibiuSighisoaratourismtourist destinationsTransfagarasanvacation
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