Hikers can walk the entire route Via Transilvanica, for over 1,400 kilometers

The first long-distance route in Romania, Via Transilvanica, a project initiated by Asociația Tășuleasa Social, led by Alin Useriu, was completed along its entire length of 1,400 kilometers and was officially launched on Saturday evening, in Alba Iulia. The last arranged section of the route, of 134 kilometers, was the one in Alba county.

The route starts from Bukovina, from Putna, ends at the Danube, at Drobeta Turnu Severin and passes through 10 counties: Mehedinți, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Alba, Sibiu, Brașov, Harghita, Mureș, Bistrița-Năsăud and Suceava.

Unique in Romania, the Via Transilvanica project makes use of the cultural-historical endowment of the places and the 200 communities in the area it crosses and aims to develop green tourism and traditional Romanian rural entrepreneurship.

“Together with my colleagues, I arrived in Alba Iulia after a few weeks of walking the entire route. To see with your own eyes and walk every kilometer of Via Transilvanica, laid out with great efforts, in difficult times, to remember every milestone placed and every story you heard along the way during the four years is an extraordinary thing . We are happy that we have reached this point and that we had reliable partners, and E.ON has been up to the task all these years”, says Alin Useriu, president of the Tășuleasa Social Association.

E.ON, as the Sustainability Partner of the Via Transilvanica ecotourism project, supported the completion of 200 kilometers of this route, thanks to the involvement of customers who responded positively to the challenge launched by the company to activate their electronic invoice. The company “rewarded” each activated bill with the installation of one meter of this road, and also granted bill discounts for those who consume energy from 100% renewable sources.

The marking of the completion of the Via Transilvanica project took place on Saturday, October 8, in the Citadel Square in Alba Iulia, in the presence of the ambassadors, initiators, partners and supporters of this ecotourism project. The city of the Great Union since 1918, Alba Iulia, was the scene of the launch of the Tășuleasa Social Association project four years ago, the year of the Centenary, and also here the initiators of the project wanted to mark the end of the project, a few days before the celebration of the 100 years from the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary.

Alba IuliaAlin UseriuAsocia?ia T??uleasa SocialBukovinacompletionDanubegreen tourismhikersrouteruralVia Transilvania
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