Very rare wild orchid, protected by law, bloomed in Putna Vrancea Natural Park

Lady Slipper, a very rare orchid and protected by law, has bloomed in Putna Vrancea Natural Park, a protected area located in Vrancea Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), in the hydrographical basin of Putna River, in the north-west part of Vrancea county.

Romsilva has made the announcement of the beautiful orchid in bloom and has also released photos with the exquisite flower.

“Beautiful images with a very rare plant, the Lady Slipper/Papucul Doamnei, which has bloomed in Putna Vrancea Natural Park. The Lady Slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) is a wild orchid, protected in Europe and in Romania since 1938,” Romsilva says.


Experts say that the Lady Slipper is blooming only in certain areas if several conditions are met.

“This special flower measures up to 80 cm high, has wide, oval leaves and big flowers with the bottom petal turned into a kind of intense yellow <vase> and the side and upper petals being narrower and having a dark red or brown color. It blooms in the meadows in the forests of hill and mountains areas, where there is a lot of humidity”, specialists described the orchid.

Putna Natural Park in Vrancea is stretching on a surface of over 38,000 hectares, with 33,600ha covered by woods.

Lady SlipperorchidPapucul DoamneiPutna Vrancea Natural Parkrareromsilvawild
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