#4pmFinish returns: the longest day of the year becomes the shortest day of work!

On June 21st, on the longest day of the year, Red Bull hands over the relay of those in the offices and challenges them to have a #4pmFinish. The second edition in Romania of the global event that frees the employees from the bosses and all of their work, comes back in the unanimous applause of HR departments.

In a study by VoucherCloud.com (UK), 1989 employees were asked, “Do you consider yourself productive throughout the whole day?” 79% of them responded negatively. The results show that it is impossible to sustain a steady pace of work. On a standard eight-hour working day, the participants admit that they are productive on an average of two hours and 53 minutes.

That means more than five hours are wasted. Studies also say that a six-hour working day could boost productivity. In a two-year pilot program, Sweden tested a shorter working day for nurses – the participants confirmed that they felt happier and healthier.

If your emails, appointments, phones, notes and reports make you work over the schedule, Red Bull has a suggestion for you: on June 21st, on the longest day of the year, give your work flow a boost and give yourself a #4pmFinish, to spend the remaining hours as you like! We did it last year, we liked it, we are doing it again!

Last year, on June 21st, hundreds of employees in Bucharest encouraged by the #4pmFinish had a better work flow and spent their free time at live concerts or yoga classes organized at the Food Circus in Pipera, the kilometer 0 of corporations! More than 20 multinational companies, including Banca Transilvania, BMW Romania, Toyota, Fru-Fru joined the

#4pmFINISH movement, and, most importantly, hundreds of employees demonstrated that the middle of the week, the longest day of the year, June 21st, can become the shortest working day!

The  #4pmFinish initiative, a Red Bull idea that says productivity increases when we work less, but smarter, is thus continuing. It is strengthened by thousands of employees who leave earlier from the office for the National 4pm Finish Day in the UK, since 2016.

So, convince your bosses, gather your office colleagues and be ready for the #4pmFinish Day on June 21st, 2018! Find out more on redbull.com/gatala4.

#4pmFinishbosssescorporationsemployeesjune 21longest day of the yearmultinational companiesPiperared bullRomaniasix-hour working dayyoha classes
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