Apply for “MSC Junior Ambassador” at Munich Security Conference in 2015  

In the run-up to its 51st edition in 2015, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) is announcing the third round of the Munich Security Conference Junior Ambassadors program, German Embassy to Bucharest informs. Through an essay contest, MSC is giving three dedicated students or young professionals the opportunity to attend next year’s MSC. “On November 9, the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall will be celebrated. Is the state of global security today better or worse than it was on the day before the wall came down?” is the essay topic. Submissions must not be longer than 5,000 characters and be written in the style of an op-ed. We expressly welcome a wide range of perspectives and put a premium on original, creative writing and surprising arguments. The winning essays will be published on the conference’s website. We will pay for travel expenses and provide accommodation at a conference hotel for the three winners. We expect the Junior Ambassadors to be willing to share their conference impressions via our website and social media from their perspective as the youngest conference attendees.

The program is open to young professionals and students who were born in or after 1986. Deadline for entries is Sunday, 9 November 2014, 11.59 pm Eastern Standard Time.

You can find the application form here: In addition to your essay, please also upload a short CV and fill in the form. The MSC will only notify those contestants that have been selected. The MSC is not accountable for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind occurring with or as a result of the prize, or from participation in the contest.

MSC to be held on February 6-8, 2015

The Munich Security Conference is a leading international and independent forum in the field of foreign and security policy. Established in 1963 by Ewald von Kleist, it brings together decision-makers and experts – heads of state and government, foreign and defense ministers, diplomats and other government officials, military leaders, members of parliament, leaders of international and non-governmental organizations, CEOs and other private sector experts, as well as researchers and academics – from around the world to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges. Since 2008, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, a senior German diplomat and former deputy foreign minister, has been chairman of the conference. The next MSC will be held from 6 to 8 February, 2015 at Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich.

german embassy to bucharestjunior ambassadormunich security conference
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