The European Commission published on Tuesday a detailed list of actions that Turkey and the EU should take to stem the flow of migrants, just as EU Council President Donal Tusk warned in Strasbourg that another 3 million refugees could come from Syria if Bashar Al-Assad’s regime wins, reports.
The “Action Plan” was agreed in principle by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his visit to Brussels on Monday.
Next week, high-level talks will start between Turkey and the Commission to hammer out the details of the deal.
The plan offers Turkey financial assistance, on top of the €1 billion already committed, to “weaken the push factors” – bad conditions in refugee camps in the region forcing migrants and refugees to move towards Europe.
Under the plan the EU would assist Turkey to strengthen its capacity to combat migrant smuggling by reinforcing the Turkish Coast Guard’s interception capacity.
Commission sources say over the last nine months more than 350,000 asylum seekers, mostly from Syria, have left Turkey for Greece, and only 50,000 were stopped by Turkish border authorities.
The plan also foresees a liaison officer in Turkey for Frontex, the EU’s external border agency to exchange information on smugglers networks.
It lays out plans to organise joint return operations between Turkey and EU member states towards countries of origins of migrants who are not eligible for asylum.
On the other hand, the plan asks Turkey to register migrants, provide them with documents, and complete their asylum procedures.
It says priority will be given to the opening of the six refugee reception centres built with European co-funding.
It would also like to see Turkey implement policies that will help refugees integrate into Turkish society. This includes access to work, education, and public services.
The plan asks Turkey to smoothly readmit irregular migrants who don’t need international protection and who were caught in neighbouring Greece, Bulgaria or further north, Romania.
It promises to accelerate the visa liberalisation for Turkey, once the plan is implemented.
The implementation will be monitored by the European Commission, along with EU foreign policy chief Frederica Mogherini and the Turkish government.
The plan was unveiled as EU Council President Donald Tusk made a stark warning in the European Parliament on Tuesday.