AI to Take Over a Third of Romanian Public Servants’ Work
The Minister of Digitalization, Bogdan Ivan, declared that, in the next three years, according to the data of the National Institute of Statistics, approximately one third of the public servants in Romania will retire, and a large part of their work is to be taken over by artificial intelligence in following the digital transformation process of the country.
The Minister of Digitalization presented, in a press conference at the Victoria Palace, data regarding Romania’s National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2024 – 2027, a document recently adopted by the Government.
“Regarding Romania’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy, (…) after more than eight months of debates, both with the Romanian university environment, with private companies, with research institutes, with the ecosystem in Europe and other Western countries , in particular, the one in the USA, we finally arrived at a strategy that includes two extremely important elements: one – centering on the person, namely the principle by which his rights are respected when we talk about the use of new technologies of artificial intelligence, which today is in more than seven billion applications. Two – the classification of risk, when we talk about content that may come and be critical for public information or societal impact,” the minister said.
According to him, through this strategy, the way in which emerging technologies will be able to be anchored in the national and European funding from the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation was outlined.
“Regarding, punctually, Romania’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy, I profiled the way in which everything that means emerging technologies will be able to be anchored in the national and European funding from the National Research Development and Innovation Plan, precisely to create the context in which those entities, whether we are talking about companies, whether we are talking about public entities in Romania or research organizations, when they apply for European or governmental funding, to be anchored in this strategic framework through which both Artificial Intelligence and, more recently , a new technology (Quantum computing – n.r.) will be able to be financed directly and with priority”, explained Ivan.
He mentioned that, currently, there are projects in the public administration that use Artificial Intelligence. “At the moment, we have projects that use this new technology. And I can give the most recent example – an automatic data processing project that we opened about two months ago through which 18 ministries and government agencies will could automatically process huge data sets, through a funding of 20 million euros. the body of civil servants in Romania is about to retire. It is obvious that the work of these civil servants, a large part of their work will be replaced by these new technologies through the digital transformation of the Romanian state”, the minister added.
According to it, the Romanian state is ready. “We have the newest regulations worldwide, it is the most up-to-date strategy for applying an emerging technology and we are ready to put it into practice,” the minister claimed.
He emphasized that for the application of these technologies, projects regarding digital skills are already being developed. “To ensure that civil servants in Romania will know how to use this technology, we have prepared two extremely important projects. A 10 million euro project at the National Agency of Civil Servants, through which over 30,000 civil servants will acquire digital skills And, two, because we are not leaving the private sector behind either, we signed a contract two days ago for the National E-Learning Platform for SMEs, through which they will have access to the latest technologies, they will be able to prepare employees to find what those basic needs are in their companies. We will profile that platform in such a way that, using the largest technology companies worldwide, we can bring courses not only for civil servants in Romania, but also for companies in our country, to know how to work with these new technologies: artificial intelligence, cloud computing and so on,” Ivan explained.
The Minister highlighted the multiple fields of applicability of Artificial Intelligence: “From the point of view of the use of these data, it is obvious that they have applicability from the public administration level to the medical level, from telemedicine systems to the discovery of certain medicines or certain vaccines , until the way we balance the national energy system”.
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