Net average earnings fell by 6.8 pc in January. The lowest value was recorded in food service activities


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In January 2015, the average gross nominal earnings were RON 2408, by 6.7 percent lower than the one registered in December 2014. According to National Institute of Statistics (INS), the average net nominal earnings were RON 1740, decreasing as against the previous month with RON 126 (6.8 percent).

The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (RON 4594), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (RON 1005).

As compared to January of the previous year, the average net nominal earnings increased by 7.1 percent. The real earnings index in relation with the same period of previous year was 106.7 percent. Earnings in relation with the evolution of consumer prices The real earnings index was 92.8 percent for January 2015 as against previous month. As compared to October 1990, the real earnings index was 129,4 percent by 10 percentage points lower than the one recorded in December 2014.

The INS data show the fluctuations in earnings were recorded during the year, mainly determined by granting annual premiums and holiday bonuses (December, March/April). These are influencing the increases or decreases depending on the period they are granted, finally leading to smoothing the fluctuations in monthly earnings at the level of the whole year.

In January 2015, as against the previous month, the level of the average net earnings registered decreases in the majority of activities belonging to the economic sector, due to granting in December 2014 of occasional bonuses (including quarterly, annual or holiday bonuses), amounts from other funds (including meal vouchers and gift tickets). Also, the average net earnings in January decreased by comparison with the previous month due to lower production achievements or the receipts level (depending on contracts), as well as staff hiring with low earnings.

The most significant decreases in the average net earnings have been recorded in activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities (20-23.5 percent); in electricity, gas, mining support service activities (15-19 percent); in manufacture of textiles or printing and reproduction of recorded media (12-15 percent).

Increases of the average net earnings as compared to the previous month were registered in the economic sector in publishing activities (8.4 percent), motion picture, video and television programmes production (including sound recording and music publishing activities; programming and broadcasting activities) (3 percent), postal and courier activities (1.9 percent), manufacture of leather and related products (1.5 percent) were mainly due to occasional bonuses, production achievements or higher receipts (depending on contracts) and to the legal provisions of the minimum wage. In the budgetary sector4 were registered slight increases of the average net earnings as against the previous month as follows: public administration (2.1 percent), health and social assistance (1.8 percent), education (0.7 percent).


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