The average net salary that a Romanian will earn this year
The average net monthly salary will increase in 2025 by 6.2%, to 5,355 lei, and the real one will increase by 1.6%, according to the 2024-2028 Forecast, autumn version, of the National Strategy and Forecast Commission. In 2026, the average net monthly salary will increase by 6.7%, to 5,712 lei (+3.3% real earnings), in 2027 by 6.4%, to 6,079 lei (plus 3.3% real earnings), and in 2027 it will increase by 6.1%, to 6,449 lei (+3% real earnings).
According to the CNSP, in 2025 the average gross monthly salary will reach 8,620 lei, in 2026 9,195 lei, in 2027 9,786 and in 2027 10,381 lei. According to Emergency Ordinance no. 156/2024 on some fiscal-budgetary measures in the field of public expenditure to substantiate the general consolidated budget for 2025, this year, starting with January 1, the gross amount of basic salaries/positional salaries/positional salaries/monthly employment allowances that benefit personnel paid from public funds remains at the same level as that granted for November 2024 to the extent that the personnel occupy the same position and carry out their activity under the same conditions.
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