RBL Firmly Supports the Pro-European Candidate in Presidential Elections


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On December 1, Romania’s National Day, Romanians cast their votes to uphold the pro-European path, electing a majority in Parliament that unequivocally supports democratic and European values, despite differing political ideologies.

Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) association said in a press release that it firmly endorses the pro-European candidate for Presidency.

“The current political class faces a major test with profound implications for the future of every Romanian citizen. It is evident that we have a politically fragmented society, which has penalized traditional parties through voting, yet is united by the desire to remain part of the democratic and prosperous European club.

We issue a strong and committed appeal to PSD, PNL, USR, UDMR, and all other political groups to publicly and unequivocally endorse the pro-European candidate and encourage their supporters to do the same. Unified and decisive action is needed to protect the progress achieved over the past 35 years and to continue the nation’s development projects, business initiatives, and pursuit of greater individual prosperity.

The prospect of a Romania led by a president with pro-Russian views and an economic model rooted in isolationism and outdated ideologies would have immediate and severe consequences. These include a sharp drop in the capital market, a downgrade in the country’s credit rating, and rising interest rates on national debt.

The notion of Romanian neutrality is an illusion. The security umbrella provided by NATO membership has made Romania attractive to foreign investors, brought jobs and capital, and enabled Romanian companies to grow, compete internationally, and attract investment.

A Romania diverging from the European Union and NATO will directly impact every citizen through higher living costs, rising inflation, and declining purchasing power. For the business environment, the shock will manifest as investor withdrawals, the collapse of Romanian companies, bankruptcies, and job losses.

We, Romania’s entrepreneurs, aim for prosperity for the country and its people. This is a critical moment, and we expect political parties whose governance programs are based on Romania’s EU and NATO membership to demonstrate maturity and take decisive action to support Romania’s European path.

Romania must remain actively engaged in sustaining economic and social progress. Romanian Business Leaders strongly support maintaining the pro-European and pro-Atlantic course—the only path that has brought us prosperity and peace!”

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