Romanian Post recorded a net profit of RON 10.45 M last year


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National Company ‘Romanian Post’ (CNPR) reported a net profit of RON 10.45 million, compared to a compared to a net loss of about RON 33 million, recorded at December 31, 2015, according to the financial results, published by the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP).

The company’s financial indicators also show that last year, the Romanian Post registered a net turnover of RON 1.10 billion, up from RON 1.07 billion, reported in 2015.

As regards the debts, the company reported a value of approximately RON 675 million, up from the previous year, when they amounted to RON 645 million.

Romanian Post’s total expenses amounted to about RON 1.11 billion in 2016, down from 2015 when it stood at RON 1.13 billion.

CNPR reported EUR 3.8 million (RON 17.2 million) gross profit, and revenues of RON 1.135 billion in 2016.

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