The average price of gas imported by Romgaz from the Russian Federation last year was RON 83.8 per MWh, down 20 percent from the previous year and by half compared to 2015, according to Romgaz Board of Directors’ report for 2017 sent to Bucharest Stock Exchange.
In 2016, the average price of imported gas was RON 105.7 per MWh and in 2015 RON 184 per MWh.
At the same time, domestic gas prices had the same average as in the previous year, namely RON 66 per MWh.
The company’s gas production was higher than the 2016 production (5,158 million m3 vs 4,219 million m3). According to estimates, this production ensured Romgaz a 50.53 percent market share of deliveries in the gas consumption from internal production and a 46.27 percent share of deliveries in Romania’s total consumption.
The production in amount of 5,158 million m3 was 8.6 percent higher than the planned one, due to: lower temperatures at the beginning of 2017; increase of gas consumption for generation of electricity.
In terms of supply, Romgaz held during 2010-2017 a national market share ranging between 37 and 46 percent.
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