Telekom Romania plans investments of over EUR 160 M in 2015. Developing communications infrastructure is the main goal


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Following 2014 strong financial performance, the year of ’T’ rebranding, Telekom Romania has big plans for 2015. Last year’s targets were achieved: over EUR 1 billion turnover and 30 percent revenue market share as a result of the Think One strategy. Since the T launch in September and until the end of December 2014, Telekom Romania gained 46,000 fixed-mobile convergent customers.

2015 plans are continuing the 2013-2014 strategic approach, focusing on two major directions: delivering best customer experience and taking technology leadership, driven by innovation, in all areas, Telekom Romania’s officials unveiled on Thursday in a press conference.

“This year we want to change the rules of the game by offering top quality services and transforming our operating model. In 2015, we will redirect the most important part of the forecasted investments, of over EUR 160 million, to the further roll-out of our network, to ensure technological leadership. A part of this amount will come from the divestment of non-core assets, such as real estate and copper infrastructure which will generate capital to deliver this goal. Basically, in 2015, every meter of monetised old technology, such as copper, will be transformed into a new, modern one, such as FTTH”, Nikolai Beckers, CEO Telekom Romania stated.

As regards the customers’ satisfaction, the telecom operator brings an ambitious and challenging objective: soon, Telekom’s fixed-mobile convergent customers will be served in less than 10 seconds in the call centres. “Integrated offers are the future in the telecom industry and we are best positioned to win the game. In brief, our fixed-mobile convergent services story is: all from one provider, delivering best value, maximum convenience with a single bill and customer care and attractive handset offer. But we will not stop here: we will improve the processes, we will expand the handsets offer and we will make sure that the fixed-mobile customer will get the best and the fastest service in the call centre. Soon, these customers will be served in the call centre in less than 10 seconds”, Nikolai Beckers added.

On the B2B segment, companies will continue to benefit from a complete portfolio of fixed and mobile solutions, applications and IT integrated solutions. To these, they can add innovative cloud and M2M solutions, meant to generate competitiveness for their businesses. Also, in 2015, a very innovative service for virtual private networks called “Cloud VPN”, which was launched, this March, in premiere by Deutsche Telekom in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia, will be introduced in Romania also.

To maintain technology leadership, Telekom will continue the IP migration of current customers. Thus, they will benefit from modern, improved services. Also, the company will continue the expansion of fibre optic based technologies (FTTH/FTTB). The estimated households’ footprint for fibre for 2015 is over one million, while by the end of 2016 will reach 2 million. On the mobile segment, the 4G coverage will double until year-end.

The process to divest the idle assets in order to finance business growth will generate revenues for the core business. The sale of certain properties during 2015 is estimated to generate tens of millions of euro for investments in best-in-class network.





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