Top 3 countries that control enterprise subgroups in Romania

30% of Romanian employees work in corporations.


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In Romania, during 2022, approximately 29.2% of total employed individuals in active enterprises were associated with multinational groups controlled from abroad, says the latest report on enterprise groups released today by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Moreover, around 21.7% of the national economy’s employees were engaged in enterprises governed by the top 10 countries.

Based on employee distribution, a substantial proportion of enterprise subgroups in Romania are under the control of entities originating from Germany, France, and the United States of America.

The results of 2022 indicate that, according to the share of the number of employees, the first place is held by the enterprise subgroups controlled by legal or natural persons from Germany (18.1%), the second place is held by those controlled from France (11.2%) and the third place by those controlled from the United States of America (9.3%).
According to the share of the number of employees in total foreign-controlled multinational enterprise groups, the enterprise subgroups controlled from Germany predominantly operate in section C – Manufacturing (9.3%), in section G – Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (3.3%) and in section M – Professional, scientific and technical activities (2.9%).
As regards the enterprise subgroups controlled from France, 4.5% of employees are found in section C – Manufacturing, 2.3% are found in section G – Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, and 1.4% are found in section J – Information and communication.
The enterprise subgroups controlled from the United States of America have their highest number of employees in section C – Manufacturing (3.8%) and section J – Information and communication (2.8%).

Structure of the enterprise subgroups in Romania, by share of the number of employees (%)

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