18,872,702 citizens with voting rights registered in the Electoral Register
A number of 18,872,702 Romanian citizens with voting rights are registered in the Electoral Register, by 9,012 more against May 10, according to a press release issued by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP).
“The total number of citizens with voting rights registered in the Electoral Register on June 13, 2017 is of 18,872,702, by 9,012 more than the last public information made by the AEP on this issue, on May 10, 2017, when 18,863,690 Romanian voters were registered,” the quoted source informs.
AEP says differences arise following the current operations conducted by the mayors in the Electoral Register for the administrative units they manage, the data imports from the Passport General Directorate and from the Directorate for the Evidence of Persons and Administration of Databases.
According to AEP, out of the total of Romanian voters in the Electoral Register, 18,264,516 have their domicile or residence in the country, and 608,186 have their domicile abroad and are holders of a CRDS passport.
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