Commissioner Corina Cretu lineup, ready for work


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European Commissioner Corina Cretu has presented on Friday, on her blog, her team ready for working on Regional Policy, lineup which includes three Romanians: Ioana Rus, the grand-daughter of Interior Minister (in Nastase government) Ioan Rus, Dragos Bucurenci and Gabriel Onaca, former Secretary of State within the Ministry of European Funds, as well as specialists from the Eastern European countries.

A day ahead of starting her mandate of Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu said she chose the members of her team “for their professional skills” but also “for their human qualities”.

“We are facing a huge task and I am confident that, together with this team, we will be able to bring back the economic growth and to provide a better life for people living in the less developed regions of Europe,” wrote Corina Cretu.

“The chief of staff, Dr. Mikel Landabaso, is a Spanish specialist with nearly 30 years of experience in regional development area. The Cabinet’s members are coming mostly from Eastern Europe, where there are most of the regions of the Union targeted by the regional development policy. Together with their assistants, the members of my Cabinet are representing six member states and are speaking ten official languages ??of the European Union,” added Cretu.

European Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker, who officially takes office on Saturday in Brussels, will be having an Executive with two leaders, namely the aforementioned president Jean-Claude Junker and Frans Timmermans. Former Conservative Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker, aged 59, will be installed in an office on the 13th floor of the Berlaymont office building, where the European Commission headquarters is. Dutch Social Democrat Senior Vice-president, Frans Timmermans, aged 53, and the other commissioners, will have offices on the lower floors of the same building.


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