CSAT: Amendments of normative bills are needed in the field of migration


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The Supreme Defence Council (CSAT) meeting on Tuesday has concluded after five hours, amendments of some normative bills in the field of migration being on the agenda, the Presidential Administration informs.

“The CSAT has concluded that, in view of managing illegal migration at European level and some potential negative issues, there are needed urgent measures on amending and completion of normative documents regarding migration, the consolidation of institutional cooperation on migration and the gathering of supplementary information regarding refugees’ integration and management from EU member states with experience in the field,” the release reads.

CSAT also says that the subsequent phenomena of the Arab Spring have destabilised the regional security in the Middle East and North Africa and that the international community should act to avoid the emergence of new incubators of non-stately Jihadist violence.

The programme regarding Romanian Army’s endowment and development in 2015 was analysed as well as the prospects until 2027 within the framework of the restructuring plan. Higher budgetary allocations would allow the elimination of current limitations, the release also reads.

Regarding the R. of Moldova, CSAT says the implementation of a reform plan is needed on medium and long term.

Regarding the Western Balkans, on the background of the current security risks, the CSAT says Romania’s priority interest is the including of the region into a large vision of Eastern Europe which should enhance Romania’s strategic relevance.

The forestry issues were also on the agenda, in order to combat illegal deforestation, as well as cyber security issues.

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