Representatives of 24 NGOs or civic movements and of the political parties Romania Together Movement, Free People’s Party and Save Romania Union (USR) have announced an initiative to amend the electoral legislation – the main proposals concern two rounds for electing the mayors and the elimination of election thresholds.
The announcement was made during a press conference on Tuesday, attended by Dan Barna (USR) and Dacian Ciolos (Romania Together Movement).
“Unfortunately, PNL is missing. We are further waiting for PNL to join us,” Mihai Politeanu (Initiative Romania) said, adding that an invitation was sent to the liberals, who remained without reply, informs.
The NGOs supporting the initiative are: Acțiunea Civică Galați, #activAG Pitești, Aradul Civic, Asociația VeDem Just, Brașovul Civic, Centrul pentru Studiul Democrației, Corupția Ucide, Curățăm Galațiul, Eu Ro Aleg, Evident Deva, Geeks 4 Democracy, Inițiativa Craiova, Inițiativa România, Inițiativa Timișoara, Mureșul Civic, Oradea Civică, Platforma România 100, Rădăuțiul Civic, Reactiv Brașov, Rezist Milano, #REZISTENȚA, Umbrela Anticorupție Cluj, Ștafeta Steagului Uniunii Europene, Vă Vedem din Sibiu.
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