Heated PSD congress ahead: Dragnea wants Dancila as no.2 in the party. ‘The AKM MP’ files appeal against rule to elect vice-presidents


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Prime Minister Viorica Dancila could become no. 2 in the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) – at least this is what sources close to realitatea.net say. This is allegedly the wish of Chairman Liviu Dragnea, who wants Viorica Dancila to run for the office of party’s executive chairwoman. This could be one reason for a heated PSD congress this weekend (March 10), followed by other disputes, as the one coming from Deputy Catalin Radulescu, aka. ‘the AKM MP’, who has challenged the decision made livby the PSD Executive Committee to elect 16 vice-presidents by regions, 8 men and 8 women. Radulescu claims this decision is illegal and he threatens to challenge it in court if his point of view is not addressed.

‘The AKM MP’ has announced on Wednesday he has filed an appeal against the above mentioned decision.

“I will file my candidacy tomorrow. Today I have filed an appeal. I have appealed against the Executive Committee’s decision, which is non-statutory and unconstitutional, by restricting the candidacy of party members. Four years ago there was another kind of system, on lists. (…) Now it is more serious. It was decided that from each county, one person should run, man or woman. A man and a woman are to be elected for each region. I haven’t heard of such issue in my whole life, in the whole world, to ban the right by Constitution and by party statute to run for any kind of office, to elect and to be elected,” Radulescu said.

“One cannot set rules for the congress, to amend the statute and, at the same congress, to conduct party elections, because there’s the custom that the amendments to the statute should be debated. When to file the appeals? After the congress?” Radulescu asked.

He said the current decision actually prevents important members of the party to run. “In this situation, some would not be able to run, Codrin Stefanescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Serban Nicolae, Eugen Teodorovici. (…) In my opinion such elections are a farce, in fact these are appointments, not elections,” the deputy said.

‘The AKM MP’ said he supports Liviu Dragnea, but the Executive Committee’s decision reminds him of the communist purges.

“We are a lot who want to run for a party position, but no one can do it,” he added.

Radulescu believes there are no reasons for him to be expelled from the party, as he has filed an appeal, according to the party statute.

catalin radulescu“I said I support the party chairman, but I do not support the committee’s decision. I will go further, to the court (if the appeal is not solved) and I hope other colleagues do the same, it is not natural to change the statute with unconstitutional rules,” Radulescu said.


In May 2017, Social Democrat MP Catalin Radulescu, also known as „the AKM MP”, was indicted in the file he is charged with not observing the regime of weapons and ammunition.

He risks up to five years in prison after police officers discovered, during searches at his house, weapons that he was illegally holding.

The investigation in this file started following Radulescu’s controversial statements in March 2017. He said in an interview to ‘Adevarul’ that he would not hesitate to use an AKM machine gun that he has had since the 1989 Revolution against protesters in Victoriei Square.

However, during hearings, Radulescu told prosecutors that all he did was to show off and that he had a first gun in 1999.

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