Ministers proposed for the Dancila Cabinet, from controversial to hilarious statements a the hearings in Parliament


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Despite controversies around some of them, the ministers proposed to be part of the Dancila Government have received the go-ahead of the special committees in Parliament on Monday. Some have continued to make controversial statements about the problems of their portfolio, or to make grammar mistakes that had brought them into the pipeline in the first place.

For instance, Valentin Popa, proposed to take over the Education portfolio, made some controversial statements regarding the plagiarism in the PhD theses amid harsh debate over the multitude of plagiarized papers encountered among Romanian politicians. Moreover, Popa, who has been in the media pipeline in the past days for the grammar mistakes in his speeches and statements, continued to make them also during the hearing in Parliament and after that.

Popa said it’s too much talk about plagiarism in our country and thus, “the values of the Romanian education are shadowed”, arguing that neither the law stipulates exactly where the quotation marks should be placed in such a paper.

We are talking too much about the percentage of 0.1% of the plagiarized PhD theses. It’s a pity to cast a shadow on the education’s values by emphasizing some not so important elements such as the plagiarism,” Popa said during the hearing, arguing the law itself is not so clear in this respect.

On the other hand, he made some grammar mistakes during his statements, explaining however that, when “you are nervous and you talk with passion, it happens to make mistakes”.

A video footage has been recently released in the media, featuring Valentin Popa making several grammar mistakes over time, also using the term “pamblica” instead of the correct word “panglica” (ribbon in English).

The proposed minister however tried to explain the case, arguing “pamblica” is correct, as it is a localism popular in Moldavia region.

Three Liberal MPs welcomed Popa at the Education committee in Parliament on Monday while they were cutting some ribbons in front of him. In addition, USR MP Mihai Gotiu gave Popa a grammar book.

Despite criticism around Valentin Popa, an open letter in support for him has been signed by 45 university rectors.

Paul Stanescu, proposed as deputy PM, contradicts the Constitutional Court

Paul Stanescu, proposed for one of the deputy PM positions and as minister of Regional Development, has stated that a public servant charged with corruption must not be fired, thus contradicting a recent ruling by the Constitutional Court of Romania. “I support this (not to be fired), regardless of what he is charged of, for a human life is at stake. If he is charged with corruption, he may be transferred to another job, but a trial may last several years and if he is found not guilty in the end? He has family, children, how could he keep them up?” Stanescu said.

When USR senator Florina Presada warned him that his stance contradicts CCR ruling, Stanescu replied: “It’s my opinion”.

Lucian Sova proposed for Transports: A minister’s minute is much too precious to do field work

Another controversial statement has been made by Lucian Sova, proposed for the Transports portfolio. He said that he doesn’t agree with the fact that ministers have to visit the building yards, as his predecessors have pledged, arguing that “a minister’s minute is much too precious to spend hours travelling to various building yards.”

He opined that the secretaries of state should be the ones to spend more time in the field.

The minister proposed for Energy ministry, “the fluids’ teacher”

The minister proposed for the Energy Ministry, Anton Anton said that Energy is one of the “crucial” sectors of the economy, making some truism-like statements. “I believe Energy is one of the crucial fields of the economy. No energy, nothing works. No energy, no phones, no energy, the bulb light is not up. There are enough apocalyptic movies, when the lack of energy is sending us to another society. That’s why I think the Energy ministry must draft a national strategy with a clear vision,” Anton Anton said after he has been validated by the economy committee.

On the other hand, he said he would not change his email address: (fluids’ teacher@)

I am a fluids’ teacher. I have been all my life. I made hydraulic machines, I taught pupils about hydraulic machines, I was in charge of hydraulic pumps, and fluids. I am the fluids’ teacher,” he explained.

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