President Iohannis could challenge the amendments to the criminal code to the Constitutional Court


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President Klaus Iohannis said he could challenge to the Constitutional Court the amendments to the Criminal Code, if they are adopted.

“Attempts to amend laws are not good. I will try to publicly express myself against such initiatives. There are many tools for a president to end such actions or to postpone them. Any law can be referred back to Parliament for re-discussion and if this step does not work, we have the possibility to challenge it to the Constitutional Court. I’m thinking very seriously about this possibility because I do not want such laws to be amended during this intensive phase of the fight against corruption,” said Klaus Iohannis in an interview granted to the German national television ARD, informs.

On the other hand, President Klaus Iohannis said he does not know the people at Holzindustrie and that is a “total idiocy” the idea that he would lobby for an Austrian company. Regarding illegal logging, the head of state said a struggle between lobby groups is going on.

“The idea of me lobbying for  an Austrian company was planted in the public space only because I have German originis, so somehow Austrian origins. The illegal deforestations issue really exists, I am totally against it (…) The fact that youngsters are protesting against it is a legitimate action that I support and I hope we’ll manage to amend the law,” the President explained.

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