PSD enters the race for Bucharest City Hall with Gabriela Firea as frontrunner. Alliance with UNPR for District 2


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The Social-democratic Party (PSD) has decided on Friday on the candidates for local elections. Senator Gabriela Firea (photo) has officially entered the race for Bucharest City Hall. PSD has also concluded an alliance with UNPR for District 2 city hall, reports.

The team for local elections supported by PSD will include Gabriela Firea, candidate for Bucharest City Hall, followed by the candidates for the districts Daniel Tudorache, Neculai Onţanu, Robert Negoita, Daniel Băluţă, Daniel Florea and Gabriel Mutu.

The team supported by PSD was presented by a post on the Facebook page by the PSD president Liviu Dragnea.

Although ALDE leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu said on Thursday his party will have a common candidate with PSD, political sources told problems appeared on Thursday and that on Friday a separation between ALDE and PSD was likely. Sources say Dragnea and Tariceanu have not reached an agreement, either because ALDE wanted more than PSD was willing to offer or because Tariceanu has rejected an alliance with UNPR.

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