Romanians from Diaspora can register for the postal vote as of today


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Romanians living abroad can register for the postal vote or for the vote in the polling stations closer to their residence as of today, the Electoral Permanent Authority (AEP) has informed in the view of the presidential election. Registrations started at 12:00hrs (Romania’s time) and will last until September 11.

Registrations are available at

The registrations portal has two sections: Voter abroad in a polling station and Voter abroad by postal vote.

A polling station can be set up upon the request of minimum 100 citizens in the same locality or from a group of neighbouring localities.

AEP also reports that the Romanian voters who choose to vote in a polling station abroad will have to fill in an online application, where they will write their name, surname, social security number, locality and the state whereof they will vote and they will also have to file a scanned copy or photo of their ID card.

After concluding the pre-registration procedure on the above-mentioned website, the voter will receive a control e-mail that he/she will have to confirm, otherwise the registration cannot be validated.

The validation of a voter abroad is made by AEP in five days since the voter has confirmed the control e-mail.

Romanians in Diaspora will be able to vote from November 8 to November 10 in the first round of the presidential election and from November 22 to November 24 in the turnoffs, according to a recent Government resolution.

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