How Romanians spend May 1st?

Most spend Labour Day in the family, few are going to the seaside, like old times.


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More than 65% of Romanians spend May 1st at home with their family, according to a survey conducted by INSCOP commissioned by Less than 4% of those surveyed choose to go to the beach on May 1st, like old times.

On May 1, 65.6% of Romanians tend to spend time at home with their family, 12.5% go on trips, and 3.4% go to the sea. 4.3% say they usually do something else, while 13.5% say they don’t celebrate this day. 0.8% of those interviewed do not know or do not answer.

Especially people over 60, passive inactives, residents of the South Muntenia region, people who have Facebook accounts and those with low incomes, declare that they usually spend May 1 at home with their family.

People with very high incomes and residents of the Center region declare in a significantly higher percentage than the average that they usually take May 1st trips.
The opinion poll was carried out by INSCOP Research at the behest of Press Agency. The data were collected between April 12 and 20, through the CATI method (telephone interviews), through the questionnaire.
Romanians used to take parks and forests by storm to have the traditional barbecue on May 1 when Labour Day is celebrated, or to go to the seaside for the May 1 mini vacation to mark the start of the summer season.
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