ANAF Inspectors Hid Nordis Irregularities

DIICOT: Vladimir Ciorba's Threats. Laura Vicol, statements at the Court of Appeal: I did not file any denouncement, though threats Recorder journalists with suing.


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Four inspectors from the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) could be charged with the crime of aiding and abetting the criminal, after they did not take any measures against the Nordis group of companies, although they had already found out three years ago that there were irregularities there, according to the data from the DIICOT report through which the prosecutors requested the preventive arrest of the couple Laura Vicol – Vladimir Ciorbă.

The inspectors’ conduct came to light only after DIICOT requested information from ANAF regarding the inspections carried out at the companies in the Nordis group.

ANAF inspectors overlooked suspicious transfers of 40 million lei

At the request of DIICOT, the General Anti-Fraud Directorate informed prosecutors that the companies NORDIS MANAGEMENT SRL, LAMPP BUILDING SRL and MBG IDEAL MANAGEMENT SRL were the subject of anti-fraud checks.

Between 25.11.2021 and 31.01.2022, inspectors F.A.-D. and G.M. carried out an inspection at NORDIS MANAGEMENT SRL with the objective of verifying money transfers between the company and individuals representing possible treasury advances. On this occasion, very large values, of over 40,000,000 lei, were identified, which were withdrawn by several people within the company, mainly by Vladimir Ciorbă, Marian Ivan and Gheorghe Poştoacă.

The supporting documents for these operations were requested, namely the transfer contracts by which shares held in NORDIS HOTEL SRL by the aforementioned persons, with a nominal value of 10 lei, were sold to NORDIS MANAGEMENT SRL at a price of 1,900,000 euros/share, and several documents were made available, including a GMS decision regarding the estimated value of over 200,000,000 euros of the company NORDIS HOTEL SRL.

A control report was drawn up, where nothing was recorded in chapters II (Breached legal provisions) and III (Consequences and measures ordered during the control). Although very large value transfers from company accounts to accounts of individuals as treasury advances were analyzed and observed, no violation of the law was found and no measures were ordered. Vladimir Ciorbă participated on behalf of the controlled company.

Money per individual

During the period 25.11.2021 – 31.01.2022, the two inspectors carried out an inspection at Lampp Building Project (formerly NORDIS BEST CONSTRUCT SRL), with the objective of verifying money transfers between the company and individuals representing possible treasury advances. Very large values, over 16,000,000 lei, were identified, which were withdrawn by several people within the company, mainly by Vladimir Ciorbă.

The supporting documents for these operations were requested – assignment contracts through which shares held in NORDIS HOTEL SRL by the aforementioned people, with a nominal value of 10 lei, were sold to Lampp Building Project at a price of 1,900,000 euros/share, several documents being made available, including a GMS decision regarding the estimated value of over 200,000,000 euros of the company NORDIS HOTEL SRL.

A control report was concluded, but nothing was recorded. During the period 25.11.2021 – 31.01.2022, the same inspectors carried out an inspection at MBG IDEAL MANAGEMENT SRL with the objective of verifying money transfers between the company and individuals representing possible treasury advances.

The inspection was carried out at the registered office of the company NORDIS MANAGEMENT SRL. On this occasion, very large values, over 13,000,000 lei, were identified, which were withdrawn by several people within the company, mainly by Ivan George – Marian.

The supporting documents for these operations were requested, namely a cancellation invoice for services not provided to NORDIS MANAGEMENT SRL in the amount of 10,300,000 lei, respectively a transfer contract that also has as its object shares held at NORDIS HOTEL SRL that justifies the return to Ivan George – Marian of the amount of 9,564,814 lei. A report was concluded, but nothing was recorded.

DIICOT: Favoring the criminal

“Analyzing the three documents, the findings of the anti-fraud inspectors, as well as the factual and financial situation of the 3 companies, it is found that the two inspectors, although they found operations of outsourcing sums of money from the assets of the 3 companies, activities circumscribed by the crime of embezzlement, did not record absolutely anything and did not take any steps to notify the judicial bodies. They observe the same mechanism of withdrawing sums of money from three companies in the group, the same justification (share transfer contracts), the same people involved, the same headquarters, but, despite this, they do not find and do not record even a suspicion regarding the criminally illicit nature of these operations. As for the effects of these findings, the minutes were used and cited as justification and legality for the advances in the treasury, including by the judicial administrator CITR in the report drawn up. Consequently, the conduct and actions of the two inspectors fall within the typical nature of the crime of aiding and abetting the perpetrator, namely the aid given to the perpetrators Ciorbă Vladimir-Răzvan and Ivan George-Marian to prevent their criminal liability for committing the crime of embezzlement”, is the conclusion of the prosecutors.

DGAF Inspector: Ciorbă tried to “intimidate the control team”

During 2024, says DIICOT, Nordis representatives began to put pressure on anti-fraud inspectors who were carrying out control activities and requested an audience with the president of ANAF.

Thus, on 19.06.2024, Gheorghe Emanuel Poştoacă was received in audience by the president of ANAF, a meeting also attended by people with management positions within DGAF, on which occasion Poştoacă invoked the alleged unjustifiably long duration of the anti-fraud controls, the inappropriate behavior of the inspectors, the hearing of NORDIS group clients, alleged erroneous classifications of some operations, the analysis of some intra-group transactions.

“Relevant from this point of view are also the statements of the G.C.P. witnesses. and D.D, inspectors within the DGAF Central Structure, who participated in the aforementioned controls regarding the attitude of the aforementioned Ciorbă Vladimir Răzvan. Thus, the G.C.P. shows, among other things: «From the first meeting, Ciorbă Vladimir very confidently came to me, sat down at the same table where the control team was sitting and told me directly that he knew who sent us, namely DIICOT (…) What I want to specify is that every time we went to pick up documents, he reminded us that elections were coming, that changes were coming at the ANAF level, and it seemed that he knew a lot of political information, including who would be the mayor. (…) He often drew our attention to the fact that, if he did not want it, we would not receive any documents and we would have to talk to an army of lawyers. However, we managed to pick up documents with great difficulty, probably after they were re-checked and discussed by Răileanu with Ciorbă Vladimir. (…) I found it strange that he had a lot of information about me personally, as he drew my attention to the fact that I had a criminal complaint filed by the representative of the FIBER GLASS company, namely that they were based on political motives. I felt uncomfortable that Ciorbă would tell me so much and even try to intimidate the control team,” the DIICOT documents state.

Another witness stated, among other things, that “in December 2023, Ciorbă Vladimir Răzvan told us that the entire ANAF leadership would be changed in the coming period, without specifying a specific date, a statement probably made with the idea of ​​discouraging our insistence on obtaining the documents necessary for the control.”

Laura Vicol, statements at the Court of Appeal: I did not file any denouncement. I was labeled by Nordis

Laura Vicol arrived at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, where she will find out today whether she will be arrested in the Nordis case. She declared, in front of journalists, that she was “stamped and labeled by Nordis”, starting with Recorder, “hand in hand with those who paid for the article to appear”. She added that she has “a lot of evidence in this regard” and that there will be “big surprises”.

“I have not filed any denouncements. I act with truth and justice. I am a lawyer and I will be a lawyer. (…) After 20 years of practicing law, I hoped that if I entered politics, I could change something. I certainly chose the wrong friends. For Nordis clients, they are not at a loss. Since Monday, if they did not know, the handover of the apartments to the 700 owners was supposed to begin. This could not be done, because DIICOT had the company’s computers up, absolutely everything, at the creditors’ meeting, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it was supposed to be this week, they had to be notified, because there was money in the company’s account, the development works for the others had to begin. At the moment, everything is blocked. I’ll tell you just one thing: press a button – pay to foreigners, open the water tap – pay to foreigners, everything Romanian must be destroyed“, declared Vicol.

At the end of the statement, Vicol threatened to take the journalists from Recorder to court. I was branded and labeled Nordis. The lawyer for underworld figures, criminals, that’s what it is. Everyone labeled me Nordis, starting with Recorder, hand in hand with those who paid for the article to appear. You’re going to have big surprises. I have a lot of evidence in this regard, but it’s all in the complaints that have already been filed. I’ve filed a lot of complaints. “You’ll see what happens,” Vicol added.

What seizure was placed in the file

DIICOT announced on Wednesday what assets it has placed under seizure in the Nordis file, in which prosecutors are requesting the preventive arrest of Laura Vicol, Vladimir Ciorbă and nine other people.

According to DIICOT, the precautionary seizure measure was ordered on 201 real estate (apartments and houses), 5 commercial spaces, 22 plots of land, 11 cars, shares and shares. Also, 48 bank accounts opened in the names of natural and legal persons were blocked.

The crimes in the Nordis case are, according to DIICOT: formation of an organized criminal group, embezzlement with particularly serious consequences, money laundering, tax evasion, fraud with particularly serious consequences, bad faith determination by the taxpayer of taxes, fees or contributions, resulting in the unlawful obtaining of sums of money as reimbursements or refunds from the general consolidated budget or compensations due to the general consolidated budget, all in continuous form.

The former head of the Legal Committee of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Vicol and her husband, Vladimir Ciorbă, await the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Wednesday evening on the prosecutors’ request for preventive arrest.

Prosecutors also requested preventive arrest for: Gheorghe Emanuel Poștoacă, main shareholder at Nordis, Cristian Nicolae Poștoacă, shareholder and administrator at several companies in the Nordis group, Florin Poștoacă, Sanda Răileanu, Gabriela Vasile, human resources manager, Matei Cristian, procurement manager and director, Bogdan Adalbert Șaitoș, shareholder and administrator, Oana Claudia Oprea, group accountant, George Marian Ivan.

Also, Ioana Băsescu, daughter of former president Traian Băsescu, and former PSD deputy Andreea Cosma were accused of involvement in the Nordis affair, as notaries, and are being investigated under judicial control.

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1 Comment
  1. Panagiotis Spyridis says

    Give the sold apartments to the new owners immediately and the rest, put them on a raffle draw for the homeless families in need.

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