Sinaia Mayor Vlad Oprea Placed Under Judicial Control, Bail Set


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The mayor of Sinaia, Vlad Oprea, was placed, on Thursday, by anti-corruption prosecutors, under judicial control on bail worth 600,000 lei in the file in which he is accused of corruption, judicial sources said.

He was also banned from holding the position from which he allegedly committed the crime of abuse of office.

Vlad Oprea left the headquarters of the National Anticorruption Directorate on Thursday evening, after 9:00 p.m., without making any statements. Oprea was detained on Thursday by DNA prosecutors in a case in which he is suspected of several acts of corruption, dozens of searches having been carried out in this case, including at the headquarters of some public institutions.
According to a DNA press release, Oprea is being prosecuted for continuous bribery, carrying out financial operations, as commercial acts, incompatible with the function, attribution or assignment that a person performs or concluding financial transactions, using information obtained by virtue of his function, attribution or assignment, false declarations of assets, in continuous form, abuse of office, if the official obtained for himself or for another an undue benefit, the use of influence or authority by a person who performs a leadership position in a party, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for another money, goods or other undue benefits, the execution without legal authorization or in violation of the provisions of the issued authorizations of construction or demolition works on buildings located in the city of Sinaia.
“In July 2021, the suspect Oprea Vlad Gheorghe, as mayor of the city of Sinaia, allegedly demanded from the representative of a commercial company and indirectly received, in two installments, on 22.12.2021 and 01.02.2022, the total amount of 238,000 euros, by interposing other companies in the group and the commercial company managed by the suspect’s mother in the transaction, in order to facilitate the obtaining by the representative of the commercial company of the approval of the PUZ necessary for the construction of a hotel/aparthotel in the city of Sinaia, the issuance of the urban planning certificate and the building permit, as well as the other approvals necessary for the investment,” the cited source shows.
Judicial sources previously mentioned that the mayor allegedly demanded from Vladimir Ciorbă and indirectly received from representatives of the SC Nordis Best Construct company a bribe worth almost 240,000 euros to facilitate obtaining the necessary documentation for the construction of a hotel/aparthotel in the city.
Part of the amount of 238,000 euros, collected by the suspect’s mother’s company, was allegedly used for the purchase by him of a concrete plant in Turkey, worth 133,800 euros, investigators say.
At the same time, during the period 2022-2023, Vlad Oprea would have hidden and dissimulated the true origin, circulation or ownership of the goods or rights to the amounts of money collected by a close friend of his through the companies he managed, knowing that these came from the commission of corruption crimes, amounts of money that would have been used for the purchase, restoration, rehabilitation and development of the Lapouble castle in Orthez, France, into a hotel and guesthouse and the barn into a restaurant.
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