Liviu Dragnea opened his cooking YouTube channel. Pods – the first recipe


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Former Social Democratic Party leader Liviu Dragnea launched a YouTube channel for cooking, the first recipe being that of pods. He extols the benefits of “manganese”, which he claims would be good for increasing male fertility, and criticizes supermarkets. The users’ comments are mainly ironic, referring to the period when Dragnea was in detention.

Dragnea’s channel “Home kitchen” promotes healthy food, as announced by the former PSD leader, who specifies that with each recipe he will present the benefits of the main ingredients.

The first recipe is that of eating yellow bean pods. According to Dragnea, yellow pod beans have vitamin A, C, potassium, gaseous acids, but also contain “manganese”, which he says is very good for “increasing hormonal activity, helps fertility in men and prevents pregnancy loss in women”.

The first episode on Dragnea’s channel garnered almost 50,000 views and over 660 comments, many of them ironic. “We are also waiting for Mrs. Udrea with a show about tapestries and painting by numbers,” states one of the users, while others refer to the time Dragnea spent in detention.

What a good recipe! My wife got 25 years younger, the 3 roses dried harder (for the Swedish compote recipe), and the neighbors put bars on my window!!” commented another.

“A healthy recipe, sprinkled from time to time with small conspiratorial and nationalist hints… It gave me a tear, probably from the Romanian onion…”, another user continued ironically.

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