Romanians have the herd-syndrome, are ambitious yet undisciplined – study says


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Romanians like to go along with the crowd, are ambitious and yet undisciplined – these are the conclusions drawn by the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj about the psychological moral profile of the nation. It is the first such study carried out during the latest 77 years, Digi 24 informs. The former study, called “The psychology of the Romanian people” had been published in 1937 by psychologist Constantin Radulescu-Motru and revealed at the time Romanians were characterised by the herd-syndrome.

The new study carried out by psychologist Daniel David, confirms the same spiritual definition. Romanians are extrovert, pleasant and change swiftly from one mood to another. On the other hand, the Romanians could be defined as ambitious, bohemians, yet undisciplined. One of the main characteristics is that Romanians see themselves either worthless, or as geniuses. Such inferiority and superiority complexes, as well as the lack of pragmatism, prevent them to be successful and to be happy.

As compared to Americans, the research reveals that Romanians easily accept authority and traditions, while the Americans are more trustful in people. Romanians change easily from mood to mood; Americans – have a higher emotional stability; Romanians – warm people in their relations with other persons; Americans – independent, autonomous; Romanians – accept authority and traditions; Americans – have a more developed critical thinking; Romanians – ambitious, suspicious; Americans – trust people.

The study was carried out on 2,200 Romanians aged 14 to 62 and 1,000 Americans aged 14 to 65.


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