Foreign tourists in Romania in Q1 spent EUR 500/person/stay, less than one-day spending by tourists in Greece


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The total number of foreign tourists staying in Romania in the first quarter of this year was of about 450,000 and their expenses amounted to a total of RON 500 million, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) informed on Friday. Last year, Romania was visited by 2.4 million foreign tourists who spent an average of EUR 530 per person. For comparison, about 25 million foreign tourists come to Greece annually, leaving an average of EUR 514 per day, according to the National Bank of Greece.

The main reason for the stay of non-resident tourists in Romania in Q1 2017 was represented by business, participation to congresses, conferences, courses, fairs and exhibitions (65.5% of the total number of non-resident tourists), their expenditures representing 66.1% of the total.

The second reason for staying in Romania by non-resident tourists was represented by private trips (34.5% of the total number of non-resident tourists), of which 60.4% were holidays. Private tours include holidays, shopping, cultural and sporting events, visiting friends and relatives, medical treatment, religion, transit and other activities.

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