The highest salaries in Romania were no longer those of IT professionals, as we were accustomed to in recent years, but of workers in the field of coke production and crude oil processing products. This includes mainly employees in the area of oil refineries, who tooknet salaries of over 10,000 lei in December, followed by those who work in oil extraction, with salaries of about 9400 lei net, IT specialists down on the third place, with a little over 9000 lei net. At the bottom of the ranking there are salaries in the hospitality sector (hotels and restaurants), below 2000 lei net, and those in the field of clothing manufacturing, says the latest report by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
According to the report, in December 2021, the average gross nominal earnings were 6,327 lei, with 383 lei (+6.4%) higher than the one registered in November 2021.
The average net nominal earnings were 3,879 lei, increasing as against the previous month with 234 lei (+6.4%). The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (10534 lei), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1922 lei).
In December 2021, in the majority of activities belonging to the economic sector2, the level of the average net earnings increased as against the previous month due to granting of occasional bonuses (quarterly, annual, winter holiday bonuses, performance bonuses or the 13th salary), payments in kind and other allowances, amounts from the net profit and other funds (including value tickets). Also, the increases of the average net earnings were due to higher production achievements or receipts level (depending on contracts/projects), as well as staff cut downs, having lower earnings as against the average, in certain economic activities.
The most significant increases in the average net earnings at section/division level of NACE Rev.2 have been
recorded as follows:
• By 48.3% in manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products, respectively by 42.9% in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas;
• Between 27.0% and 32.5% in mining of coal and lignite, manufacture of basic metals, financial service activities (except insurance and pension funding), electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
• Between 16.0% and 23.0% in printing and reproduction of recorded media, telecommunications, other mining and quarrying, sewerage, water transport;
• Between 10.0% and 15.0% in water collection, treatment and supply, manufacture of other transport equipment, manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, professional, scientific and technical activities, forestry and logging (including fishing and aquaculture), motion picture, video and television programmes production, sound recording and music publishing activities (including programming and broadcasting activities), mining support service activities, manufacture of other non– metallic mineral products, real estate activities, insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except compulsory social security), wholesale and retail trade (including repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles), warehousing and support activities for transportation, manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms.
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