65% of Romanians support the union of Romania with R. of Moldova, survey says

Eight out of 10 respondents of an INSCOP Research survey say they are proud of being Romanians and believe Romania should protect the rights of minorities.

Almost two thirds support the union of Romanian with the Republic of Moldova and almost half of respondents believe that, if such an event should happen, Romania would become more powerful, an INSCOP Research survey, conducted upon the request of LARICS (Lab of Informational War and Strategic Communication) with the Ion I. C. Bratianu Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Romanian Academy, ziaruldeiasi.ro informs.

  • 84% of respondents say they are proud of being Romanians;
  • 94.8% say knowing Romanian language is an obligation for any Romanian citizen;
  • 62.2% say they have good knowledge of the history of Romanians, 34% say they do not know the issue very well;
  • 80.3% say Romania should protect the rights of national minorities, 9.9% have an opposite opinion;
  • 65.1% support the union of Romania with Republic of Moldova, 22% oppose and 12.9% did not answer;
  • Opinions on the communist regime are divided: 27.2% say the communist regime did good things to Romania, 29.6% say it did bad things to the country and 34.3% have a complicated answer – The communism during the ‘50s is one thing, the communism during Ceausescu’s time was different. 8.9% of respondents did not answer.

The survey was conducted during April 12 – May 3, 2019, the release reads.

communist regimeinscop research surveyminoritiesNicolae CeausescuRepublic of Moldovaunionist
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