Romanian woman senator runs for EPP vice-president

A Romanian senator is running for a vice-president position of the European People’s Party. EPP on Monday announced the list of contenders for the leadership positions. The election of the party’s president, vice-presidents, secretary general and treasurer is scheduled at the congress due in Madrid on October 21-22.

According to a EPP press release, Anca Boagiu, National Liberal Party senator is among the candidates for one of the ten vice-president positions.

Joseph Daul (Les Républicains, France is the only candidate for the president positions, while German Christian Schmidt (CSU) is running for the treasurer position.

Tobias Billstrom (Moderaterna, Sweden), Anca Boagiu (PNL, Romania), Kinga Gal (FIDESZ, Hungary), Johannes Hahn (ÖVP, Austria), Jyrki Katainen (Kokoomus, Finland), David McAllister (CDU, Germany), Dara Murphy (Fine Gael, Ireland), Paulo Rangel (PSD, Portugal), Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (Civic Platform, Poland), Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia, Italy), Marianne Thyssen (CD&V, Belgium), Corien Wortmann-Kool (CDA, The Netherlands) are the candidates for the vice-president.

In the Mugur Isarescu cabinet, Anca Boagiu, aged 47, served as Minister of Transport in 2000; in the Calin Popescu Tariceanu cabinet, she was Minister of European Integration from 2005 to 2007 and in the Emil Boc cabinet, she was again Transport Minister from 2010 to 2012.

anca boagiuEPPeuropean people's partypositionromanian senatorvice president
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