In memoriam Michael R. Carrington

Colonel Michael R. Carrington passed away and left us alone and endlessly sad. He was a great friend of Romania, which he has repeatedly proved.

Co-founder and general manager of the International Foundation Maria Nobrega, with branches in Brazil, Italy, Libya, the United States and Romania, he carried out an extensive and generous activity together with his wife Elizabeth.

He was deeply fond of Transylvania, where, with the support of Prince of Wales and Archduke Andreas Habsburg, he dedicated himself to the restoration of the most beautiful houses and public buildings in the village of Archita, near Sighisoara. His wife Elizabeth emphasized his devotion to this project: “If you have spent time with Michael you will understand why I highlight, out of all these many initiatives, his great love for the glorious restoration, rebuilding and reviving of the Saxon village of Archita in Transylvania, Romania. He was never happier than when he was there.”

He left behind many projects that death prevented him from bringing to an end. We should mention here just two of them, an exclusively cultural channel (Heritage TV), and the reconstruction of the medical clinic in Archita, where the hospitalization, consultation and treatment were to be free of charge, supported by the Maria Nobrega Foundation.

All this generous activity may have made him forget a little about the tragedy of losing his son Jeremy in the terrible terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

His words were so profound, so true: “For me, the way Romanian peasants live is a lesson of survival, a beautiful page of economic independence.” His last thought was for his two daughters and his beloved wife: “Today I have been wondering what goods to leave as their inheritance. I have come to the conclusion that the most important gift I can leave is the strength to live their lives to the fullest and be happy. Exactly what I have here at Archita, in the heart of Romania.

We will love him forever and will never forget him.

God rest him in peace.

“The friends from Romania”

Archduke Andreas HabsburgArchitaco-founderColonel Michael R. Carringtonelizabethfriend of romaniageneral managerhousesin memoriaminternational foundation maria nobregapassed awayPrince of WalesSighisoaraTransylvaniawife
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