The representatives of the Romanian Life Saving Agency at Sea (ARSVOM) started on Friday morning in a rescue operation of a person in the Black Sea, 80 miles across from Mangalia. According to Ziua de Constanța, it is about the Romanian athlete Alex Dumbravă.
ARSVOM announced that in the night from Thursday to Friday it was requested to intervene to save a person in danger at sea.
“This night, the MRCC requested the intervention of the A.R.S.V.O.M., for a search and rescue operation at sea, of a person at sea, about 80 nautical miles across from Mangalia. At the request of the MRCC, HRH MAIA left Mangalia Port, at 01:08, to pick up the person at sea, in a rowing boat,” ARSVOM said.
The man was exhausted, complaining of back and knee pain, due to the effort of shooting the frames. The SAR MAIA crew, composed of the ship’s commander, Roșu Alexandru, Dima Cosmin – deck officer, Miu Cristian – mechanical officer and Șes Florin – helmsman, took over the man from the Black Sea on Friday morning, around 7:00 am.
Ziua de Constanta local publication writes that it would be about Alexandru Dumbravă, a Romanian athlete who set off on July 10, on an adventure for the Book of Records: to cross the Black Sea alone in a rowing boat.Dumbravă left Mangalia Port and intended to reach Batumi, Georgia, after rowing 1,200 km in 20 days. The athlete’s adventure also had a noble purpose: it aimed to help 20 children to benefit from approximately 200 speech therapy sessions. According to journalist Patricia Pop, who follows the adventure of Alex Dumbravă, the athlete was yesterday 103 miles from Mangalia.
Alex Dumbravă already holds a world record for crossing the Black Sea with an extended crew.